Trentino Booking Booking

Punta Linke Museum

Museums and castles


The Punta Linke peak, at a height of 3,632 meters, was one of the highest and among the most important sites on the western front during World War I, also called the «White War», since the events mainly took place on snow covered mountains and glaciers in the Ortles-Cevedale mountain group. Underneath Punta Linke, the glacier perfectly conserved a large amount of war relics that have provided extraordinary information on the life during the war at such high altitude, making it the perfect place to build a high mountain museum that gives visitors the chance to come into direct contact with the actual places where these dramatic events took place, creating a strong impact on all visitors.

A unique museum. Thanks to the recent measures taken to conserve this site, it was possible to open this museum to the public in July 2014, you can visit the museum with a guide.

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