Trentino Booking Booking

Tour Val di Peio N°701

Activity time
Durata in ore
Distance in km

This trail provides a variety of scenery and landscape, a dive into the unpolluted and uncontaminated Stelvio Natural Park. Experience a pleasant climb up the road taken by the Austrian army during the 1914-1918 world war.

An extremely varied and technical route in natural surroundings. The trail takes place in Val di Pejo and the Stelvio Natural Park where it is possible to catch sight of many animals, it is important to remain silent and to respect their natural habitat.

Route info

36.1 km
Activity time
5:00 h.
Uphill Elevation
1549 m
Downhill elevation
1547 m
Physical effort
Highest point
1993 m
Lowest point
1154 m
Height difference
839 m


APT Valli di Sole, Peio e Rabbi


Taste the natural spring mineral water at the Fontanino.

Safety information

Please note that the practicability of the itineraries in a mountain environment is strictly linked to the contingent conditions and is therefore influenced by natural phenomena, environmental changes and weather conditions. For this reason, the information contained in this page may have changed. Before leaving for a tour, make sure the path you will approach is still accessible by contacting the owner of the mountain hut, the alpine guides or the visitor centres of the nature parks, the info offices of the local tourist board.

Starting point

The Cycle path in Cogolo


From the village of Cogolo (the carpark next to the church) you move on to the village of Celledizzo (a chance to see the chapel of S:Antonio with its natural murals by Giovanni and Battista Baschenis dating back to 1473 and the Museo Etnografico del legno presently housed in the recently restored saw-mill) from here go through the centre of the village, follow a dirt road through pastureland in the direction of Malga Borche (a sharp eye will be able to note the trail of the antique iron mines which were in action between the 14th and 18th centuries.) After a steady ride over a few kilometres, the road enters the woods up to a junction where there is a sign on the left for Coronaccia-Malga Pontevecchio. The road running through the woods, dense with pine trees and red spruce trees, passes several streams running down from the surrounding mountains, until becoming a path before descending to Malga Pontevecchio (1.762 m). From this position it is often possible to see eagles hunting the young of the chamois grazing peacefully on the sides of the mountains. From here there is a downhill ride until meeting the tarmacked road used by the hydro-electric station in the locality known as Malga Mare (2.013 m). A downhill ride for about 1 kilometre until reaching a right hand turn. From here you arrive in the village of Peio on an uphill uneven road passing the Visitor Centre of the Stelvio Natural Park (Malga Talè) which merits a visit. After the village of Peio continue on the old road until reaching the tarmacked road which takes you to Fontanino.
After having passed the vast fields, a steep climb will bring you into the woods until arriving at an open space on the right, near to Malga Termenago di Sotto (Frattasecca). On the left looking through the larch trees you can see the outline of the small fortification known as Barba di Fior (constructed around 1910). Leaving the road for Pian Palù take the wooded road on the right which rises alongside the malga. This road, built by the Austrians before the first world war, is an example of robustness and wisdom; in the proximity of the trail there are numerous remains of recently discovered military fortifications known as 'stoi'. The many hairpin bends provide the possibility to stop and admire the aromatic pine woods and the snow topped mountains. After the localty known as Vegaia (1.980 m), the highest point of the tour, you cross the Val degli Orsi arriving at Malga Giumella, which takes its name from the mountain overlooking it. The malga, due to its prominent position provides an excellent view of the blue-green Pian Palù (dating back to the thirties). Descend towards the lake on a small pebbly road until reaching the dam.From here by means of an easy dirt road you arrive at the fontanina, famous for its natural spring water (don't miss the Fontanini di Celentino on the right of the torrent). From this point there is a single track road running alongside the main road and joining it after about 1 kilometre. The tarmacked road is fast and narrow (take care of the traffic) and leads once again to the village of Pejo. At the departure of Pejo Fonti ski lift - Tarlenta, take the left hand road which subsequently becomes a dirt road and takes you to Campeggio Val di Sole. From here on a tarmacked road you arrive at the first bend of the road for Pejo which leads to the departure point of this trail.

We recommend always carrying a repair kit: inner tube, pump, mastic, patches and an emergency repair kit.