Trentino Booking Booking


Walking through the silence of the snow

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Because walking in the snow is good for you

The beauty of nature knows no seasons: extraordinary even in winter when you can enjoy it with animal prints in the snow, an almost unreal silence, and the odd flash of brown or green that stand out against the immaculate white of the horizon. 
Nature seems to stand still in winter, but we know it is just resting, ready to explode with new colours, fragrances and vital energy in the springtime. 

If you love nature in all its guises, open spaces, snowy scenery and, above all, if you adore peace and quiet, we suggest you try going for a walk with snow shoes.A snow shoe excursion is a unique experience, taking walkers back into the distant past, when snow shoes were the only way for those who lived in the mountains to get about after a heavy showfall. Today, snow shoes are used for different reasons, but the slow pace and silence that characterise this activity have not changed at all.

Why not try it? In Val di Sole you can walk along well-marked, groomed trails or choose an organised excursion. 


Routes to follow on foot or with snow shoes

Walking on the snow must be a pleasure, free from worries and without hurry. So that you can really enjoy the physical and mental benefits of a walk on the snow, without it being too tiring or worrying, we have selected some twenty routes that we undertake to keep groomed and well-signposted throughout the winter. All the trails are marked by a sign like this one and all you need to do is choose the one best suited to your abilities and level of fitness. You can walk them on foot or, even better, with snow shoes. 

Ciaspole in Val di Rabbi | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Tommaso Prugnola


Snow shoe rentals


A few tips and some rules

Let us give you some useful tips, before we leave you to have fun organising your excursion:

  • choose an excursion suited to your technical and physical abilities, the snow and weather conditions, the type of slope and its exposure. Check the weather forecast and the avalanche bulletin;
  • if possible, never set off alone and in any case, always tell a relative or a friend the route you intend to follow;
  • your equipment is important: as well as snow shoes, take with you ice traction cleats, poles, glasses, sun cream, dried fruit or chocolate, and a hot drink in a thermos. You should always also take the following personal safety devices with you: an ARTVA, shovel and probe;
  • wear comfortable warm clothing, gloves, a hat, and hiking boots (moonboots are not suitable at all for this activity!)
  • remember that you are a guest of nature, so stay on the marked trails, do not run after wild animals, respect the silence of the woods and take your rubbish home with you.


Con le racchette da neve nel Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio, in Val di Peio | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Caspar Diederik


Who organizes guided excursions

Escursioni con le ciaspole in Val di Sole | © Archivio Guide Alpine Val di Sole

School of Mountaineering and Ski Mountaineering Val di Sole

Passo Tonale

Evolution Ski school

Escursione con le ciaspole | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Brianimage
Caldes - Dimaro Folgarida

Trentino Wild Rafting & Outdoor

Escursione con le ciaspole | © Archivio ApT Val di Sole - Ph. T. Prugnola
Ossana - Marilleva Mezzana

Ursus Adventures