Trentino Booking Booking

Val di Pejo Rent

Ski, snowboard equipment


Located in the center of Peio Terme, Val di Pejo Rent offers all the equipment you need for your day on the snow, amidst the splendid winter landscapes that only Val di Peio can offer. The newly renovated facility houses state-of-the-art equipment and specialized staff who will assist you in finding everything you need. Thanks to expert ski technicians and the latest automated workshop, the skis you rent will always be in excellent condition and perfectly waxed.

At Val di Pejo Rent, you'll also find a store with technical clothing and equipment for major winter sports.


Here's the equipment you can find at Val di Pejo Rent:

Alpine Skiing

The rental offers 500 pairs of skis ranging from 80 to 182 cm in size from the Rossignol brand.


The rental has 80 snowboards ranging from 80 to 175 cm in size from the Rossignol brand.


The rental offers 8 pairs of freeride skis ranging from 150 to 170 cm in size from the Rossignol brand.

Ski Mountaineering

The rental offers 8 pairs of ski mountaineering skis ranging from 150 to 180 cm in size from the Dynafit brand.


The rental offers 10 pairs of snowshoes.

Opening period

Period: 05/12 - 13/04 mo tu we th fr sa su
09:00 - 18:00


Peio - Peio Fonti, Via del Fontanino, 10


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