Trentino Booking Booking

Tour Larici Secolari N.703

Activity time
Durata in ore
Distance in km

The magic of cyclying through these centuries-old Larch Trees.

A very panoramic tour which begins in the valley and rises initially on a tarmacked road and brings us to the path leading to the old Larch trees. From here there is a singletrack of about 9 km which descends 1000m until reaching the bottom of the valley. There are lovely views of of the valley and the Dolomites. Crossing the wood you can see the old majestic  Larch trees standing out. One particular tree is over 700 years old.

Route info

21.6 km
Activity time
3:30 h.
Uphill Elevation
1148 m
Downhill elevation
1144 m
Physical effort
Highest point
1901 m
Lowest point
810 m
Height difference
1091 m


APT Valli di Sole, Peio e Rabbi

Safety information

Regualte your speed based on your technical knowhow.

Please note that the practicability of the itineraries in a mountain environment is strictly linked to the contingent conditions and is therefore influenced by natural phenomena, environmental changes and weather conditions. For this reason, the information contained in this page may have changed. Before leaving for a tour, make sure the path you will approach is still accessible by contacting the local tourist board.

Starting point

Val di Sole cycle path - near the cross roads of the SS42 and the road to Ortisè


This trail begins at the crossroads of the SS 42 and the road to Termenago-Ortisè-Menas. The road is easily accessible from the nearby villages of Mezzana and Pellizzano on the cycle path up to the diversion towards the River Noce then crossing the bridge (Pont de le Caore) and arriving at the junction. Take the provincial road n. 140 (this is a fairly quiet road traffic-wise) whiich passes wide areas of uncultivated terrain and ascends to the villages of Termenago (passing the old bell tower dating back to 1322 and the steps of the ‘new’ church built in 1850), Castello (with its crenellated bell tower of 1500), Ortisè (1.477 m) and arriving in Menas (1.517 m). From here there is a spectacular view of the Val di Sole and all its villages, of Passo Tonale and the mountains of the Brenta and Presanella ranges.
After having passed the village take the dirt road on the right at the crossing and continue initially on the flat and then uphill to Malga del Monte Bassa. Another stretch of dirt road to arrive at the start of the path of old Larch Trees. After a short tract the road runs alongside these majestic trees. From here the descent starts on a technical and singletrack road (In the middle you will cross an easy dirt road… watch out for the sharp bend where you take a left turn) until reaching Mestriago. From here the cycle path concludes this itinery.