Trentino Booking Booking

Tour Val di Rabbi N.702

Activity time
Durata in ore
Distance in km

A pleasant mountain bike tour In the Stelvio Park on the slopes of Val di Rabbi.

A fascinating tour in the heart of the Val di Rabbi, amongst alpine scenery and the habitat of the local Roedeer.
The trail winds its way mainly through woodland in an area of great environmental interest and breathtaking scenery. All the uphill roads are compacted dirt roads and those downhill are single track and challenging, thus suitable for riders with a degree of technical knowhow.

Route info

25.2 km
Activity time
4:00 h.
Uphill Elevation
1404 m
Downhill elevation
1404 m
Physical effort
Highest point
2078 m
Lowest point
1203 m
Height difference
875 m


APT Valli di Sole, Peio e Rabbi


The Terme di Rabbi. An interesting visit and a taste of the natural sparkling mineral water. Discover the origin and uses of this water dating back to the last decade of 1600.
Visit the many malgas which you will find throughout your journey. In some of them you will be able to taste the local dairy produce.

Safety information

Please note that the practicability of the itineraries in a mountain environment is strictly linked to the contingent conditions and is therefore influenced by natural phenomena, environmental changes and weather conditions. For this reason, the information contained in this page may have changed. Before leaving for a tour, make sure the path you will approach is still accessible by contacting the owner of the mountain hut, the alpine guides or the visitor centres of the nature parks, the info offices of the local tourist board.

Starting point

Bagni di Rabbi


The trail begins at the small church in the locality known as Fonte di Rabbi. From here follow the dirt road which runs alongside the torrent 'Rabbies' passing the antique recently reconstructed saw- mill. After about 500 m take the uphill forest road to Malga Polinar. The road climbs for 4 km, entirely through woodland until arriving at a junction with another forest road which descends to Malga Stableti. Immediately below the malga cross the area known as Fontanon and from here take the forest road to Malga Cercen. The road is undulating and every now and then there are long steep stretches right up to Malga Cercen Bassa. From here, to the right, the road becomes flatter until reaching Malga Vilar (2.020 m) situated on a slope beyond the woods. Continue in the direction of Malga Fassa (2.057 m) across pastureland and a steep canal along an easy path. Here i twill necessary to push your mountain bike for about 20 minutes. Slightly further on than the malga, which can be reached by a road from the bottom of the valley, and at the same level, is Malga Monte Sole (2.048 m) best known for it’s cheese production, a typical characteristic in these alpine areas.
Following the road which descends to the valley, after two hairpin bends to the right of the signs for Malga Fratte Alta a gentle downhill path crosses woods of spruce and larch trees. The long abandoned malga (1.857 m) can be found in a particularly panoramic position with a view of the Val di Rabbi and an atmosphere of past times. The considerably steep road zigzags down rapidly through pastureland and woods, and after a short time leads to Malga Fratte Bassa (1.482 m), where due to its location, on a clearing, offers the opportunity to admire the valley, with its waterfalls, pastureland and the more often than not snow-capped peaks. Downhill again until reaching the valley floor and take the forest road passing the Venetian saw-mill, another climb, with the torrent Rabbies on your left until reaching the tarmacked road which takes you to the Fontanina, malga Stablasolo and finally the Saent waterfall. From here take a right and after one kilometre on the left take the road through the woods.
This road is of varying levels, uphill and downhill and can be rather steep on some stretches, from the pastureland of the valley there is a splendid view, then, passing through a few small villages you will reach the Fonte di Rabbi.

We recommend always carrying a repair kit: inner tube, pump, mastic, patches and an emergency repair kit.