Trentino Booking Booking


Useful info


Bar Paninoteca El Mas

Commezzadura - Daolasa

Pizzeria Devils

Dimaro Folgarida - Dimaro

La Chicca

Dimaro Folgarida

Al Ponte

Ossana - Loc. Valpiana

Malga Valpiana

Ossana - Loc. Fucine




Passo Tonale

Snow Break 360°


Pasticceria Girasole

Dimaro Folgarida - Ciocomiti Café


The new generation of artisan chocolate.

Ciocomiti is a young company born and bred in the heart of the Brenta Dolomites. The Ciocomiti team is focused on the production of high quality artisanal chocolate, following the production process from the careful selection of the cocoa beans - from Brazil, Asia and the other main cocoa exporting countries - to the phases of roasting, gentle de-hulling and natural stone grinding. 
What makes Ciocomiti's artisan chocolate even more unique is that it is refined at high altitude. Ciocomiti is the first company in the world to use this type of refinement, making their product the only example of artisan chocolate from the Dolomites.


La Buca

Caldes - Loc. Le Contre

Wild Bar Le Contre