Trentino Booking Booking

Tour Monte Peller N°706

Activity time
Durata in ore
Distance in km

A 'real' bike ride from Malè to Rifugio Peller, and a panoramic tour of the Dolomites.

One of the most panoramic and striking itineraries, due to the vast number of different environments passed on the way. From the dense and shady spruce groves in Val di Sole to the driest, hottest areas rich of broad-leafed trees on the south side of Monte Peller, to the large areas of open space in Verdè and those of Passo Forcola. This itinery is ideal for the early summer months, when it is possible to see the rich variety of flowers.

Route info

30.8 km
Activity time
5:00 h.
Uphill Elevation
1571 m
Downhill elevation
1571 m
Physical effort
Highest point
2089 m
Lowest point
668 m
Height difference
1421 m


APT Valli di Sole, Peio e Rabbi


We recommend that the early morning is the ideal time for this trail.

Safety information

Please note that the practicability of the itineraries in a mountain environment is strictly linked to the contingent conditions and is therefore influenced by natural phenomena, environmental changes and weather conditions. For this reason, the information contained in this page may have changed. Before leaving for a tour, make sure the path you will approach is still accessible by contacting the owner of the mountain hut, the alpine guides or the visitor centres of the nature parks, the info offices of the local tourist board.

Starting point

The cycle path - The Molini di Malè


This itinery begins from the cycle path situated near the bridge over the River Noce in the locality known as 'Molini di Malè' (where you can see the recently reconstructed saw-mill) Ride alongside the River Noce on the cycle path until reaching the molini in Terzolas. From here take the uphill forest road for approximately 10 km through dense woods and arriving at a height of 1000m. After the last flat stretch of road you will arrive at Passo le Fraine (1,721m) from here access the road to Rifugio Peller. This uneven road runs through alpine pastureland as far as Lake Durigal. Following the road to the right you will see Rifugio Peller (1.923 m) continuing to the left there is a very steep climb takes you to the slopes to the south of Monte Peller in the direction of Malga Tassulla and the below lying Val di Tovel for 12 km until arriving at the small lake of the same name (1.178 m) (formed due to a landslide in the glacial basin). From this point ther is a vast panoramic view of the surrounding vallies and even the snow-capped mountains in Austria. Here you reach the campsite G. Pinamonti (Malga Tassulla, 2.090 m) where the road ends in the vicinity of Pian della Nana. Here there are paths and roads which take you to the heart of the Brenta mountains. To the right take the path SAT n.336 where roughly half-way along Passo della Forcola (2.106 m) the dividing line between Val di Sole and Val di Non will become visible. A steep descent will bring you to the mall lake known as Salare. Another downhill ride to Malga Selva di Croviana. If you look carefully you will be able to see a tiny church on a hill to the right of the malga. The view from here is particularly striking. Take the downhill road and after quite a few bends you will be on the valley floor in the locality 'Mollini di Croviana'. Immediately after bridge the cycle path to the right will take you directly to Malè.

We recommend always carrying a repair kit: inner tube, pump, mastic, patches and an emergency repair kit.