Trento (55 km from Malé)
It can be reached by train from Mezzana (66 km)
Opening hours: every day until September 30th. 9:30 am - 1:00pm and 2:00pm - 5:00pm. Closed on Monday. (Except the holiday-Mondays).
Nanno - Val di Non (22 km from Malé)
Not too far from Castel Valer and just a few steps from one of Val di Non’s oldest town, you’ll find Castel Nanno, one of the most striking castles in the area. Its unique architecture includes a central tower which looks like one of the peaks of the Brenta Dolomites. The castle was already mentioned in a document from 1191. Castel Nanno is a treasure chest full of fascinating legends that reveal the history of the local territory and the families that owned the castle. The love story between Melisenda and Ludovico and the witches that were burned at the stake are just some of the events that are part of the history of a castle that has survived over the centuries.
Opening hours: Until October 27th only on Sunday from 10:00am to 5:00pm. Open on August 15th.
Baptized with the name of Maria Dolens, it is located on the Miravalle hill and dominates Rovereto. It is made with the fusion of the cannons of the World War One and symbolizes Peace.
Open from April through September every day 9:00am - 7:00pm.
San Michele all'Adige (41 km from Malé)
It can be reached by train from Mezzana (51 km)
From a technology standpoint, this ethnological museum is Italy's most important and one of Europe's most significant.
From Tuesday through Sunday 10:00am - 6.00pm. Closed on Monday.
Sanzeno - Val di Non (24 km from Malé)
This museum hosts an exhibition of the most important archaeological artifacts discovered in the area, starting from the prehistoric times, then from the Rhaetian and Roman periods and the Early Middle Ages with the arrival of the Goths and the Lombards.
From the Museo Retico you can follow the trail along a narrow canyon that in an hour will take you to the San Romedio Sanctuary, a must from a cultural and artistic point of view.
Coredo - Val di Non (25 km from Malé)
A fascinating way to discover this castle located in one of the oldest hamlets in Val di Non. Castel Coredo is an austere stately building. The existing building has 4 floors and it dates back to 1726.
It houses valuable furnishings, hunting trophies and a small art gallery, consisting in portraits of ancestors and members of the House of Habsburg.
Opening hours: from June 8th through June 22nd and from July 2nd through August 31st. Tuesday and Saturday with guided tours from 5:30pm. Open on September 14th, September 28th, on October 12th and 26th with guided tours from 5:30pm.
A beautiful Roman Villa with a large reception room decorated with a splendid polychrome mosaic depicting Orpheus while enchanting the beasts with the sound of the lyre.
Open from Tuesday through Sunday 9:00am - 1:00pm and 2:00pm - 5:30pm. Closed on Mondays, except holiday-Mondays.
Rovereto (81 km from Malé)
The first and only futurist museum in Italy
Open from Tuesday through Sunday 10:00am - 6:00pm. Closed on Monday.
Tassullo - Val di Non (19 km from Malé)
Castel Valer is located in a panoramic position near the town of Tassullo. The castle's tower which is 40 m high, is the highest in the entire province of Trento and has an octagonale shape.
It is possible to visit the «Madruzziane» rooms, the gothic kitchen, the study, the coats of arms room, the loggia, the cellars, the internal courtyard, the gardens and the chapel.
Opening hours: From June 1st through October 28th, Saturday and Sunday with guided tours at 10:00am and at 3:00pm. Monday at 3:00pm. From July first through September 15th every day, closed July 6th, with guided tours from 9:30am until 11:30am and at 3:00pm and 5:00pm.
The Assessorile Palace is located in the historic centre of Cles. Its current shapes are the result of a fourteenth-century reconstruction of the oldest thirteenth-century tower that stood on the site.
Open from Tuesday through Sunday 10:00am - 12:00pm and 3:00pm - 6:00pm. Open on Monday in July and August.