Trentino Booking Booking

Caserotti Sport

Ski, snowboard equipment


Located in the heart of Cogolo di Peio, Caserotti Sport has been a trusted name for over 50 years, catering to winter sports enthusiasts. We offer a high-quality ski and snowboard rental service with modern equipment suitable for all skill levels, from beginners to experts. In addition to rentals, our store features a wide selection of sports gear and apparel, ensuring you’re fully equipped to enjoy your days on the snow.


Alpine Skiing

Our rental fleet includes skis from Rossignol, Salomon, Dynastar, Atomic, and Volkl.


We offer snowboards from Salomon.

Ski Mountaineering

Our selection includes Dynafit ski mountaineering gear.


15 pairs of snowshoes available for rent.

Sleds and Toboggans

15 sleds and 10 toboggans for your winter fun.

Child Carriers

We provide 10 child backpacks and 10 trekking strollers.

Opening period

Period: 05/12 - 30/03 mo tu we th fr sa su
9:00 - 12:00
16:00 - 19:00



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