

A special bus route connecting Rabbi and Peio


From Val di Pejo all the way to Val di Rabbi

New summer 2021: a new bus route that directly connects both of Val di Sole’s thermal spa centres, Val di Pejo and Val di Rabbi. Two different locations, both within the Stelvio National Park in striking natural surroundings, but each with its own unique features. Val di Rabbi, one of the most stunning mountain valleys in Trentino and Val di Pejo, a small alpine valley at the foot of the magnificent Ortles-Cevedale mountains. You can go directly from one thermal spa centre to the other, from the Terme di Rabbi to the Terme di Pejo, to take advantage of the beneficial properties of the various mineral springs. This bus service is available every day until August 31st. There are 2 different timetables that correspond to odd and even days. This service is provided free of charge and you do not need to book in advance.


Waters for health

Wellbeing and Relaxation in the Stelvio National Park

Terme di Pejo - Massaggio | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Tommaso Prugnola

Pejo Thermal Spa

The Pejo Thermal Spa Centre specialises in therapies for dermatological, vascular, respiratory and urinary tract, and muscular-skeletal problems. It offers efficient recovery programmes for mind and body, specific programmes for the prevention of cellulite and has a welcoming spa wellness centre. The range of services is rounded out by new treatments using thermal mud for joint and muscular inflammation.

Piscina - Terme di Rabbi | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Tommaso Prugnola

Rabbi Thermal Spa

The Rabbi Thermal Spa Centre is particularly suitable for treating rheumatic and circulatory disorders, varicose veins in legs, the prevention and treatment of cellulite, the treatment of anaemia and lymphatism and respiratory tract problems. Services here are completed by a well-organised hydro-beauty centre and the new line of Ferrum-C cosmetics made with spa water and herbs and fruit from the valley.

Caution in the mountains