

Your personal Val di Sole experience 

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03 June - 23 September 2024
Marilleva Mezzana - Skiarea Sport Shop, via per Marilleva 900 n° 39
each Monday - 2:30am - 6:00pm

All riding at Laghetti di San Leonardo

Discovering the new Val di Sole cycle and pedestrian path

Lorenza Menapace - Lago dei Caprioli | © Archivio ApT Val di Sole - Ph. Tommaso Prugnola
04 June - 12 September 2024
Marilleva Mezzana - Promescaiol
each Tuesday, Thursday - 5:00pm - 7:00pm

E-Bike Tour & Aperitivo

Ride your E-bike in the wild Valpiana and reach the shores of Lago dei Caprioli

Centrale Idroelettrica di Cogolo | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Gruppo Dolomiti Energia
18 June - 10 September 2024
Peio - Meeting point at Pegaia Church
each Tuesday - 2:30pm - 5:00pm

La Centrale di Pont: tutta l'energia dell'acqua

Exploring Italy’s most stunning hydroelectric power plant

25 June - 17 September 2024
Rabbi - San Bernardo Information Office
each Tuesday - 8:15am - 4:15pm

Lago di Soprasasso

Excursion program: Andar per Monti
Level of difficulty: intermediate/difficult

16 July - 13 September 2024
Malé - Località Molini
each Tuesday - 2:30pm - 4:00pm

Picnic in the berry field

Discover how small fruit plants grow with the help of music. Collect your fruit basket and enjoy it

02 July - 13 September 2024
Commezzadura - Mestriago Information Office
each Tuesday - 8:45am - 5:00pm

Bait de le Bece

Excursion program: Andar per Monti
Level of difficulty: intermediate

30 July 2024
Pellizzano - Pellizzano - Azienda agricola Valtresin
10:30am - 13:30pm

Making canederli: a delicious game

Make delicious cheese dumplings with your kids

Downhill nella terra dei Mondiali Centro Bike ValdiSole | © Archivio Centro Bike Val di Sole
11 June - 05 September 2024
Passo Tonale - Valbiolo chairlift
each Tuesday, Thursday - 10:00am-12:00pm | 1:30pm-3:30pm

Downhill in the land of World Championships

Pure adrenaline on 2 wheels in the Val di Sole BikeLand

Fattore Legno | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Falegnameria Baggia
02 July - 09 September 2024
Malé - Fattore Legno - Zona Industriale 5
each Tuesday - 10:00am - 12:00pm

Wood Lab: in the carpenter's workshop

Learn to work with wood and create a souvenir with your own hands

05 June - 04 October 2024
Peio - Pejo Thermal Spa
each Wednesday - 10:00am - 13:00pm

Mountain wellness and goodness

Unwind in an alpine hut with the scent of pine

03 July - 18 September 2024
Passo Tonale - Information Office
each Wednesday - 8:45am - 4:00pm

Cima Monte Tonale e Città Morta

Excursion program: Andar per Monti
Level of difficulty: intermediate

Laghi Corvo in Val di Rabbi | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Gianmarco Guidelli
26 June - 04 September 2024
Peio - May vary (see the program), Rabbi
each Wednesday - 8:30am - 5:00pm

Le vie dell'acqua

Other Experiences
in Val di Sole
Discover experiences in other periods
Caution in the mountains