
The Park's playground

Playing and learning area


Getting to know the Park while having fun is a fantastic adventure that kids can experience in Val Saènt through the colours and sounds of natural elements. Sensorial discoveries and experiences are the main theme of the «Gioco del Parco», an educational yet fun area that has been created to give children the chance to fully understand and enjoy nature. The activities within this playground use several types of materials: iron, air, stones, wood and water that together help children discover this protected natural area by describing the local territory, flora and fauna.

How to play. Players will have to be on the animals shoes that live here, such as the stag, the marmot, the eagle and… humans. The information available on the information panels will stimulates the children’s fantasy, and they will learn to observe the environment and to find out more about the Park. Unique is the area for playing and learning which is characterized by the debris accumulated after the landslide in September 1999, devastating the Val di Saènt.

Opening period

From June to September

Photo gallery



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