
Malga Talè

The wood of capercaillies


After the reconstruction of Malga Talè, it was decided to use it as a framework for a particular topic: the Tetraonidae-family and its adaptation strategies to the environment. The easily accessible building is situated on a pasture ground that is particularly favoured by these mysterious wild birds. In the surrounding spruce woodland and on the highest peaks, you may spot capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse and ptarmigan.

The informative exposition that has been set up inside Malga Talè follows the technique of birdwatching: the visitor is the protagonist of a journey that will lead him to discover, by observation, the Galliformes in their natural habitat that has been reconstructed using sounds and images. The tracks left by these elegant birds in the woodland and on the snow, their feeding habits, techniques of camouflage, dimorphism and the courting ritual of the black grouse all represent a fascinating topic.

Opening period Open

Period: 22/06 - 15/09 mo tu we th fr sa su
10:00 - 13:00
13:30 - 17:00

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