
Mmape Bee Museum

Museums and castles


Discover the wonderful world of bees, learn about their behaviour and investigate the incredible, busy life of the hive! Enter their «nest», listen to the sounds from its honeycomb cells and see how larvae metamorphose into bees. You can also learn how to protect them from their enemies, such as small parasites and human intrusiveness. Find out how these insects - which play a vital role in the planet's eco-systems - spend their days. Expert guides will take you on a unique interactive tour to give you a close look at the bees, mountain bee-keeping and the resulting products. Inside MMape, visitors can enjoy a fascinating sensory experience, taste the nectar and discover hive-derived products from local companies.

The old water mill housing MMape stands on the edge of the Ontaneta di Croviana nature reserve. Numerous trails - suitable for hikers of all abilities - begin here, as does the Val di Sole cycle path. Near MMape visitors can also enjoy the Le Plaze area, which offers refreshments and a picnic area in a sunlit conifer wood.

Opening period

Period: 26/04 - 26/04 mo tu we th fr sa su
10:00 - 12:00
15:00 - 18:00
Period: 28/04 - 28/04 mo tu we th fr sa su
10:00 - 12:00
15:00 - 18:00
At other times, opening by reservation only (minimum 5 adults).

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