
The World of Wood

Museums and castles


An educational and interactive display completely dedicated to the world of wood, with a special focus on woodworking and its development over the centuries. Are you a curious traveller, always on the lookout for the more genuine, authentic aspects of the places you visit, attracted to local traditions? Do you like to take home a souvenir from the places you have seen, an expression of the area you visited, a gift that tells the story of local people? In that case we suggest you take a look at the articles made by Falegnameria Baggia. Wood is the main player in Malè, in Val di Sole, in a new multimedia interacitve museum experience.

Fattore Legno is a journey to discover the wood: this unique living material that more than any other has been useful for humans, helping them throughout their lives. Such as: fire, the first homes and early tools. A link that has never been broken and has evolved over time, from homes on stilts to klimahouses, from bonfires to high-performance wood-fired stoves, from the most rudimental of tools to complex works of art.  Not just a job, this is also an art: one of the singular characteristics of Fattore Legno is the chance to watch artisans at work, discovering how their know how combined with cutting-edge technologies is perfect for the production of one-of-a-kind objects with the quality that only expert craftsmen can guarantee.This is a unique experience in Trentino as it is not just a museum but also focuses on the work itself and how this is carried out in the twenty-first century. From trees to finished products. A world of exciting experiences following the infinite wood grain.

Opening period

Period: 01/07 - 05/09 mo tu we th fr sa su
10:00 - 11:00
15:00 - 16:00
Paid visit. Workshops and reservations outside regular visiting hours: -

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Photo gallery


Malé, Zona Industriale, 5


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