
White War Museum Peio

Peio 1914-1918 «The War at our Door»


The Pejo Museum, inaugurated in 2003, has a collection of war relics, the majority of which have been collected on the mountains surrounding the area. It gives visitors the chance to understand how life was like for soldiers on the warfront in Trentino. Some of the most interesting exhibits to see within the museum include:

  • a kitchen, which focuses on problems concerning basic goods
  • a cableway carriage from the Punta Linke peak, to show visitors the main means of transportation that was used
  • a shack that was a first aid station showing the medical-health conditions on the front
  • a tabernacle used in the trenches and a portable altar, a reminder of the spiritual life of the soldiers 

The Museum has a wide selection of books that narrate the history of the surrounding territory, diaries and memoirs of soldiers and civilians, other books that describe the war relics and a video archive on World War I.

In collaboration with the Stelvio National Park, the Museum organizes informative evenings and excursions to WWI sites. Each year, during the beginning of September, there is an important commemorative ceremony for fallen soldiers at the former San Rocco cemetery, where the remains of three soldiers found on the Giumela peak in 2004 can be found.

Admission by donation 

Opening period

Period: 02/09 - 22/09 mo tu we th fr sa su
10:00 - 12:00
16:00 - 18:00
Period: 21/07 - 01/09 mo tu we th fr sa su
10:00 - 12:00
15:00 - 18:30

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Peio - Peio Paese, Via Salita San Rocco, 1

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