Trentino Booking Booking


For a family holiday to remember

  • nature
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Val di Sole in family format

Busy lives don’t allow us to enjoy our children as much as we would like and holidays are often the only time we are really all together. We know this all too well and this is why we want your family holiday to be happy and worry free, a chance to really enjoy Val di Sole and the opportunities it offers for you to have a laugh, grow together, and spend some quality time with each other as, experience after experience, moment after moment, you create a holiday for your album of best memories.

To help you plan this very important moment, here are some suggestions for activities in nature, places to visit, and opportunities to enjoy. 


Activities in the great outdoors

Pista Ciclabile Val di Sole | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Matteo Cappè

Cycle path

Passeggiata in famiglia | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Tommaso Prugnola


Fattoria didattica Azienda Agricola Casanova | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Tommaso Prugnola

Learning farms

Parco avventura Flying Park | © Fattoria didattica Azienda Agricola Casanova

Adventure parks

Kids bike park  | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph  Gabriele Zanetti

Kids bike park

Area Faunistica del Parco dello Stelvio in Val di Peio | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Visual Stories

Wildlife area

In famiglia a Bosco Derniga in Val di Sole | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Tommaso Prugnola


Parco giochi Pejo Kinderland a Pejo3000 | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Dario Andreis

Pejo kinderland

Ponte sospeso Val di Rabbi | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Joe Barba

Suspension bridge

Il Villaggio delle Marmotte a Passo Tonale | © Archivio APT Val di Sole - Ph Visual Stories

Il Villaggio delle marmotte