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Malga Dosso

Ossana - Cusiano


Ossana - Fucine

Zambelli Paolo


Jack Canali

Ossana - Cusiano

Medical Clinic Val di Sole

Ossana - Fucine

Atelier del Benessere

Ossana - Cusiano

Ursus Adventures

Ossana - Fucine

Biblioteca Comunale

For information concerning opening times, how to access the facility and services provided by the valley's libraries, visit and Facebook page BibliotecheValdiSole

Ossana - Loc. Valpiana

Malga Valpiana

Ossana - Fucine

Bowling Green

Dimaro Folgarida - Marilleva Mezzana - Ossana

Val di Sole Route

In Val di Sole you can find specially marked Nordic Walking trails. The Val di Sole Route is a 22 km Nordic walking route that starts off from the town of Cavizzana going all the way to Mezzana, and there is also an additional number of 10 routes, 4 km each, in every single town. All together the Val di Sole route includes 60 km of trails.

Caution in the mountains